Theodora Ordaz - Apr 12
Then, Now, Later
Day 1: unknown of what my journey will be
Friends I will met or new places I will see
My new adventure starts now
We will see where I end up and how
Seasons changed, and we had time pass
Going for English I to English II class
Who would’ve guessed the friends I met so fast
That we all had some type of random interaction in the past
We all did UIL in 8th grade, or went to the same elementary school field trip
Didn’t know each other’s name back then, or our later on friendship
Who would’ve guessed the trips we’d take
New memories and jokes we make
Time passes and soon I see
Sophomore year is starting to fly off like a bee
Now we see what the other half of my journey holds
What new stories and memories will unfold
A new checkpoint will open soon
The gates of Junior year will open starting in early June
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